Ghost Shield Film is a renowned Car Detailing Shop based in Las Vegas, started by a father-son duo. They offer an array of protective film services like ceramic coating, vinyl car wraps, paint protection film, automotive powder coating and more.
Ghost Shield Film wanted to raise awareness about their services in Las Vegas and wanted to be visible in the local search when someone searches for car detailing services online. Initially, their website was not visible in the search results. As a result, they were losing on a large audience base to their competitors.
After analyzing their business area and their competitors’ online strategies, DigitalOye suggested SEO services to rank higher in the search engine. We initially conducted their current website’s audit to know about the shortcomings in their website - from website design, landing pages, to on-page and off-page SEO. Next, we worked on their niche-specific keywords and built an authoritative backlink structure.
We offered them the following services -
After just three months of executing the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process, Ghost Shield Film saw an improvement in their search engine rankings in local search in Las Vegas and nearby cities. Today, the website ranks in the top 3 sites for car detailing services.
By continually monitoring their website performance, we also noted that their website experienced a 300 per cent increase in traffic and a 99 per cent increase in the number of enquiries.
For spreading awareness for their brand and reaching out to more people online, we revamped their website by offering the below-mentioned service -
Increase in Traffic
Increase in Conversion Rates
Increase in their social engagement
o make real difference to your business, get in touch with us today! Call us at +91-721 789 4696 or email at to talk to our experts. You can also request a call from our team by filling up this form.